Installation of digital books
All the ADMIRALTY publications are available in the store,
- List of lights : Light and fog signal information for over 85,000 structures including lit floating marks and other lights of navigational significance
- Total tide : Accurate tidal height and tidal stream predictions for more than 7,000 ports and 3,000 tidal streams worldwide
- List of radio signals : Official maritime radio communications information with fast digital updates and simple information search
- Nautical almanac : Astronomical information to support routine and emergency celestial navigation, as well as the calculation of hours, mandatory gyro checks and fixing positions using a sextant
- Sailing directions : Information to support coastal navigation and port entry, including details on pilotage, regulations and navigational hazards
- Mariners handbook : clear guidance to help mariners improve their understanding of maritime navigation, sea and ice conditions, meteorology and regulations.
- Ocean Passages for the World : Information to support the planning of ocean voyages, including weather routeing and distances between ports
- Publications for chart maintenance
- Notices to mariners, …
The ADMIRALTY publications are also available in digital format organised in 2 different software :
ADMIRALTY digital publications (ADP) :
Contains all the detail of its paper equivalents, with the added convenience of fast, accurate weekly updates and simple searching of information. These important features can save bridge crews time and reduce the risk of human error. Total Tide, List of lights and List of radio signals are the different parts of the ADPs.
ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publications (AeNPs) :
AeNPs are official ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications available as e-books. Easy to use and update, they bring improved efficiency, accuracy and access to information bridge officers need.
- Weekly Notices to Mariners applied accurately in seconds to ensure ongoing safety and compliance.
- 87 official ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications available in an electronic format. The range includes Sailing Directions (Pilots), Ocean Passages for the World, the Nautical Almanac, the Mariner’s Handbook and many more.
- Approved for use by the Flag States of over 80% of ships trading internationally, with clear display of NM updates to aid inspections.
Download the ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 User Guide
Download Software installation for ADP and AeNP:
Software can be downloaded on the UKHO public FTP website using the following login credentials (the username and password details are case sensitive).
Username: ukhopublic
Password: Public12345