Pilot guides
ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions (Pilots) provide essential information to support port entry and coastal navigation for all classes of ships at sea.
Split across 76 volumes, coverage includes the world’s main commercial shipping routes and ports.
each volume offers Information on navigational hazards, buoyage, pilotage, regulations, general notes on countries, port facilities, seasonal currents, ice and climatic conditions.
They are illustrated with High quality diagrams and photography to help bridge-crews understand critical information during the passage planning stage.

Imray pilot books provide sailing directions for cruising areas from Northern Europe and the Mediterranean to the Caribbean and Asia.
They are universally regarded as being the best available and the Imray guide is usually seen as the definitive reference to the coast it covers.
Amongst the well known authors are Tom Cunliffe, Peter Cumberlidge, Rod Heikell and Dag Pike.
These guides have been indispensable companions for sailors and visitors to the CARIBBEAN islands since 1982.
These guides are an essential tool for all cruisers sailing this region. Chris Doyle spends months sailing these islands to update each edition.
Included are over one hundred up-to-date color sketch charts, full color aerial photos of most anchorages, island pictures, and detailed shoreside information covering services, restaurants, provisioning, travel basics and island history.
The complete Mallorca Chart Catalogue with ALL ports and anchorages in handy A4 ringbook format.
More than 120 detailed charts and plans; 15 coastal charts (1:85.000); 1 overview chart (1:740.200); a GPS waypoint chart and large scale charts of the Balearic Islands.
The 15 coastal overview charts show the location of each anchorage around the coast, plus marina and harbour charts with contact details and weather forecast information.
The individual chartlets for each anchorage have GPS positions, detailed information about water depth, anchor-ground characteristics, submarine obstructions, local landmarks, and onshore service.
Update information is provided online.
Available for Mallorca, Ibiza and Menorca.